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IUB Receives BDT 4.2 million USAID Grant for Innovative Solar Micro Grid Project

Published : 06 May 2024

Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) has been awarded an over BDT 4.2 million grant from the United States Agency for International Development's (USAID) Bangladesh Advancing Development and Growth through Energy (BADGE) Project. The BADGE project is implemented by the U.S.-based consulting firm Tetra Tech ES, Inc.

IUB's Green Energy Research Center (GERC) and Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) will utilize the grant to implement the project titled "A 15kW Grid Interactive Solar Micro Grid for Integrated Farming in the rural area of Bangladesh". The project will run from May 2024 to October 2025.

The initiative will establish a 15kW Grid Interactive Solar Micro Grid – a leading-edge solution designed to boost agricultural efficiency and foster sustainable energy use in rural Bangladesh.

IUB Vice Chancellor Tanweer Hasan, PhD, conveyed his appreciation for the opportunity to partner with BADGE on this impactful project. He highlighted IUB's commitment to utilizing innovative technologies to address Bangladesh's prevailing societal challenges and drive sustainable development.

Professor of EEE, Director of GERC, and Proctor at IUB, Khosru Mohammad Salim, PhD, stated, "The Green Energy Research Center is dedicated to devising innovative, sustainable, and pro-environment solutions to satisfy Bangladesh's rising energy demands. Given the pivotal role of agriculture in Bangladesh's economy, it is crucial to ensure sustainable and readily available power solutions for farmers."

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